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Rather than fill our emotional needs when the world has temporarily exhausted us, might food be able to sustain us in a more substantial way such that we don’t only try to fill the voids in our life?
Income inequality has a stronger presence in the American social conscience today than it has had since the Gilded Age of the late 1800s, and social scientists say there is more than money at stake.
With a $20,000 check and instructions to bring back “some good paintings” from friend and financier Dr. Albert C. Barnes, American artist William Glackens set off for Paris in 1912 with carte blanche to buy the very best modern art he could find. Long a champion and connoisseur of European and American modernism, Glackens sent back to Barnes 33 works by now-renowned artists such as Paul Cézanne, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Pablo Picasso, and Vincent Van Gogh that helped shape the collection that eventually became The Barnes Foundation.
Recently, Reuters broke the news, that Airbnb, the hegemony of community marketplaces for shared lodging, was riffing off of their original concept: extending their resource from pillows to plates by allowing […]
I enjoy “griefing“, which is when people use aspects of a system that make that system less fun for others. It’s a term normally used in multiplayer video games. As […]
In my last post, I talked a bit about the fundamental purpose of technology: reducing uncertainty. Uncertainty is a double edged sword in the human experience – it provides us […]
Ross Douthat has written on the revival of Marxism as a seductive theory in the wake of burgeoning economic inequality and the withering away of the middle class. He might […]
The term ‘teacher’ has numerous connotations. The word immediately conjures images of high school biology and history. Culturally we recognize the inherent importance of those who assume such a role, […]
Whether we are buying shoes or pursuing a certain career, unconsciously we imagine “if only life could be this way…if only I could be like her, wear those shoes or drive that car.” 
Michael Jackson proudly wore the crown as the “King of Pop” until his death in 2009. In the visual arts, at least for Americans, Andy Warhol’s ruled as the “King […]
Coca-Cola is by no means the first company to ignore inconvenient animal behavior facts, so we shouldn’t be too hard on them. To Coke’s credit, they do support polar bear research and conservation efforts.