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You searched for: Big Think

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe believes the 2020 Tokyo Olympics would be enhanced by a concurrent skills competition between the world’s top robots. Would a Robot Olympiad be a silly stunt or a major step for 21st-century technology?
NASA released this image of Mars up close. Even if you don’t have your 3D glasses handy, it’s still an amazing shot of Mount Sharp on the horizon as well […]
Is it a music video or a catchy way to remember the elements? BoingBoing produced this fun animation featuring They Might Be Giants singing (and teaching us) about science. Why […]
There are many ways to transmit big ideas – through videos, through the written word, or as the title of this blog attests, through pictures that are worth more than 1,000 words.
Heroin addiction continues to receive media attention following the death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman. His tragic overdose introduced America to the fact that heroin addicts do not fit any […]
NASA posted a photo today of the Lighthouse nebula. The image shows the aftermath of a supernova, including a runaway pulsar and a spiraling jet that’s 37 light-years long, which […]
When two masters come together like the great filmmaker Errol Morris shooting a documentary about Stephen Hawking, one would expect the film to be on everyone’s list of favorites. But […]
As Stephen Hawking argued here on Big Think, humans must find another Earth or our species will be wiped out. Luckily, NASA has been acting as our real-estate agent.  NASA […]