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Reinvent Your Job to Fit Your Passion

You’ll work harder and you’ll work longer hours and you’ll make big things happen for your company at the same time.  So everyone wins.
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Millennials want to do what they’re passionate about.  That’s something that they really care about.  And everyone really wants to monetize their passion and make money doing what they love.  

In order to do that in the company, you have to think about what you are good at.  What are you passionate about?  And then if you’re not doing that, if you’re not able to leverage your talents and your passions within your current job, then find another position or create a specific new position that didn’t even exist before in your company. 

And to do that, sometimes, and through various stories in my upcoming book, Promote Yourself, what I’ve seen is that people will do their job plus add in an extra maybe 10 hours outside of what they do and then potentially turn that into a new position later if that’s successful. 

So it’s almost like working full-time and then doing something outside of work and hopefully what you do outside of work takes the place of your full-time position or you’re able to create a new position within your company.  That’s what happened to me at EMC Corporation where I was doing social media work outside of work and then the company was moving in that direction, so I was hired to create the first ever social media position. 

So it’s possible, it happens, there’s so many different stories of people doing this.  And when you’re in a position and you’re doing exactly what you want to do and it matches your talents, the market opportunity and your passions, you’re really unstoppable because you’ll work harder and you’ll work longer hours and you’ll make big things happen for your company at the same time.  So everyone wins.  

In Their Own Words is recorded in Big Think’s studio.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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