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Autocorrect Makes You a Boring Communicator

Smartphone software that anticipates what you want to type to a friend, colleague, or spouse, may make you less intentioned in your communication.
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Smartphone software that anticipates what you want to type to a friend, colleague, or spouse, may make you less intentioned in your communication. When that happens, we give others more of computer algorithms and less of ourselves.

Apple’s QuickType software takes autocorrect to a new level. Whereas autocorrect guesses at what you are trying to type, QuickType anticipates what you will want to type, suggesting words or phrases modeled on your past communication habits. 

Developers say it can distinguish between the kind of language you may use with your boss versus your spouse, allowing it to adapt to real world situations and live acts of communication. 

Evan Selinger, associate professor of philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology, says the technology may facilitate communication, but at what cost to our thoughtfulness and originality? 

“And that brings us back to autocorrect’s future: by encouraging us not to think too deeply about our words, predictive technology may subtly change how we interact with one another. As communication becomes less of an intentional act, we give others more algorithm and less of ourselves.”

While technology may facilitate efficient communication, that won’t be enough to carry us forward. In his Big Think interview, former President of Slovenia Danilo Türk discusses the importance of cultivating creativity:

Read more at BBC Future

Photo credit: Shutterstock

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