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The power of a good message

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It may be that few of you are interested in this besides me, but I thought I’d post on the impact that Did You Know? has had on this blog over the past month. I posted earlier that Karl Fisch’s video had gone viral yet again, this time outside the education community. Karl and I continue to have some very interesting exchanges with folks about the presentation; there now are even spin-offs and parodies.

According to Feedburner, on February 12 I had 378 subscribers to Dangerously Irrelevant and 352 folks who actually visited the blog that day. Over the past 30 days this blog has averaged 1,095 visitors per day. As of yesterday, the number of subscribers to this blog is 639. In other words, traffic to my web site has about tripled (although it’s slowing down of late) and the number of individuals who have decided to add me to their RSS aggregators has increased 70%. Now that’s the power of a good message combined with technology that enables reach!  (FYI, the most popular YouTube version of Did You Know? has been viewed over 274,000 times)

I’m not in Will Richardson, Stephen Downes, or Boing Boing territory yet, but I’ll take the traffic (and give Karl my thanks yet again!). As I’ve noted before, I’m on a mission

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