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Guest Thinkers

Half-finished or half-baked? 004

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Random musings. Half-finished (and quite possibly half-baked) thoughts.

Things that have caught my eye…

Interesting perspectives on the infamous software study

  • The Education Dept. has missed an opportunity to truly analyze what works in education
  • “How
  • can a technology that is transforming the way we acquire information

    throughout the economy – revolutionizing businesses from games to

    banking – fail to benefit education?”

  • The
  • news media at large were gullible, incurious, and downright lazy …

    The ill effects of their sloth likely will undermine education efforts

    for years to come

    Are we infantilizing adolescents?

    The digital Taliban?

    Attendance, technology, and placing blame

    It’s all about the leadership …

    … but we have to give them some decision-making power

    Wiki wiki wa, wiki wa, wiki wiki wa


    Unconscious racism

    The way data-driven decision-making ought to be

    Global challenge

    Accountability for teacher prep programs

    Violence in schools

    • If you were worried about violence in American schools, check out this UNESCO report.

    A national platform for an anti-evolution Kansan?

    • In the last 8 years, Kansas has twice had an anti-evolution state

    board of education and twice replaced it with a pro-evolution state

    board of education. The latest news from the whipsawed state is that

    one of the remaining anti-evolution board members is running unopposed for the presidency of the National Association of State Boards of Education.

    When standards shift

    Annie has the final word

    If we stop using the tools of the real world at the school door, then what does school have to do with the world of the student? [at the FPS Technology Focus Blog]

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