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SETDA – 21st century skills

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I’m live blogging from the SETDA Leadership Summit


21st century skills


Frances Bradburn, Director of Instructional Technology, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction


  • State has signed on to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills framework
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  • North Carolina requires students to complete a 4–component, performance-based graduation project (research paper, product, portfolio, and oral presentation)
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  • Students also must pass a computer skills test to graduate
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  • For licensure, has ‘executive’ standards, not principal / superintendent standards
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  • Joint Commission on Information Technology was a unified voice advocating for the School Connectivity Project (broadband for every school)
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  • LOTS of neat stuff going on in the state (Learn and Earn, New Schools Project, Learn and Earn Online, North Carolina Virtual Public School, IMPACT, Literacy to Learn, eBistro, Project K-NECT, Quest Atlantis)
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  • Many initiatives are facilitated by corporations working hand-in-hand with the state department
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  • Funding technology facilitators, literacy coaches, E-Rate personnel, and regional engineers
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  • Frances maintains a blog


Brenda Williams, Executive Director, Office of Instructional Technology, West Virginia Department of Education


  • State has signed on to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills framework
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  • Secured critical policymaker support: Governor, Board of Education, legislature
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  • Had to show folks that 21st century skills are a little different than the old SCANS skills
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  • Numerous non-technology-related academic policy initiatives align with technology-oriented initiatives
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  • 8th grade student technology assessment is aligned with classroom assessment (following the Rick Stiggins philosophy)
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  • Teach 21
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