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Guest Thinkers, please stop the comment spam!

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I like your blog. I’m a regular subscriber, appreciate your work, and will use your site numerous times for my school law class. But would you please, please stop the comment spam?

On Wednesday you left this comment:

You should have mentioned they are ranked 10 on Alltop, just won Best Education Blog of the Year, and are read by thousands of teachers daily!

On April 25 you left this comment (which I deleted):

Check out to see why public schools are failing.

And I’ve deleted others in the past. It’s very clear that you’re not contributing to our conversations. You’re just trying to get people to come to your site. In April I even sent you a polite e-mail asking you to stop:

Hi. I really like your site and I also appreciate your desire to publicize it. However, you’re not really adding anything of value to with your comments. To be honest, right now you’re violating blogosphere etiquette and you’re bordering on being a comment spammer. I don’t want to block you but I will if need be. Please feel free to comment, but please add to the discussion, not just try to redirect readers to your site. Thanks.

But the comment spam continues. And it’s not just me. Here’s your comment on Teaching in the 408:

Check out for all the latest headlines in education. It’s one of the leading sources for breaking news in our public schools.

And here’s your comment on ASCD Inservice:

This story is mentioned on It’s one of the leading sources for crazy news in public education.

And here’s your comment on The Homeroom:

Students have more to worry about than lunch trays at school. Check out as a resource for all the crazy stories in public education from around the country.

And here’s your comment on Learn Me Good: is the only thing people are talking about.

And here’s your comment on Perez Hilton:


And here are your comments on The Huffington Post:

This story was featured on! It seems schools across the country are doing everything they can to save money. Check out the site for more weird stories like this one.

I’ve read stories on about high school kids that have contests during lunch to see who can chug the most energy drinks. They always end up in the hospital!

I read a story on about a mother who brought loaded guns to a school conference!

Check out for stories about school teacher drunk in class and caught with coke in school!

Check out stories about teens and sex scandals in public schools at

(and half a dozen more)

Not to mention your similar comments at The Fischbowl and High School Confidential and Teen Zone News and NYC Students Blog. And at Automatic Merchandiser Magazine and the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools and the Las Vegas Sun and and Newsweek. And so on…

Your Technorati authority is 21, which means that in the past six months you haven’t received even one inbound link per week [so, no, I shouldn’t have included you on the list]. While you may be getting a number of visitors to your site, you’re not getting much word of mouth. And the primary reason, I would venture to guess, is your inconsiderate and indiscriminate commenting. You’re angering the very people you want to be sending traffic your way.

So congratulations on your blogging award. Keep up the good work on your own blog. But please add some value to my blog or go away.

Thank you.

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