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Want a media pass for the 2009 ASCD conference in Orlando?

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The annual ASCD conference is in Orlando, Florida this year. ASCD is looking for some education bloggers who might be interested in live blogging the event. If you’re already attending the conference or are going to be in the area March 13 to 16, ASCD invites you to consider registering as a media representative.

As a member of the media, you will have free access to all sessions, including ticketed sessions. The ASCD communications team will be on site to help direct you to the most appropriate sessions, connect you with speakers and ASCD staff for interviews, and ‘attend to any request that may arise.’ The team also can connect you with educators with particular interests or expertise. Did I mention that there’s a staffed media room and free wireless access to allow you to freely write and blog from the convention center?

ASCD is one of my favorite educational organizations and also one of my favorite conferences. If you’re interested, contact me and I’ll put you in touch with the appropriate people. Thanks!

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