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Xerox R&D in Second Life

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In this two-minute video filmed entirely in Second Life,

the avatar of Xerox Chief Technology Officer Sophie Vandebroek talks about

research in 3-D virtual worlds from Xerox’s innovation group.  In addition to creating worldwide collaboration opportunities for Xerox researchers, virtual worlds like Second Life are also enabling new opportunities for Xerox and its clients. Anyway, you have to check out the end of the video, where Sophie sprinkles some magic black dust and blasts off into the clouds.

For more on the back story on the Web designers behind the Xerox video, check out Xerox Blogs — apparently, Sophie’s virtual office looks exactly like the real thing.

ASIDE: I happened to meet Sophie briefly at last year’s FORTUNE Innovation Forum in New York, and would like to note that Sophie in real life looks much more charming than her 3-D virtual avatar.

[video: Xerox in Second Life]

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