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Guest Thinkers

Keep the Dialogue Going

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I didn’t anticipate writing all week about leadership,

technology, and change but I am glad things turned out that way. It caused me to challenge and stretch my own

thinking. I hope it did the same for

you. These types on conversations

between tech educators and administrators don’t occur as often as they

should. I challenge you to continue this

dialogue with school leaders about technology, change, and the learning

experiences our students really need. As

NCLB goes for reauthorization next year, make your voice heard with your state

and federal legislators. It is


I came across an exciting example of a digital


who is still leading on the cutting edge. I think you will find the district structures

and focus compelling

Thank you, Scott, for allowing me to blog this week.  It was a pleasure!

A closing thought:

“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”          – Winston

S. Churchill

Posted by Steve Poling.

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