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Snow Drifting

As the snow piles up along the East Coast the climate change debate continues to rage with skeptics mocking global warming fears saying it seems more like “global cooling”.

As the snow piles up along the East Coast the climate change debate continues to rage with skeptics mocking global warming fears saying it seems more like “global cooling”. “Most climate scientists respond that the storms are consistent with forecasts that a heating planet will produce more frequent and more intense weather events. But some independent climate experts say the blizzards in the Northeast no more prove that the planet is cooling than the lack of snow in Vancouver, B.C., or the downpours in Southern California prove it is warming. To illustrate its point of view, the family of Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., a leading climate-change skeptic, built a 6-foot-tall igloo on Capitol Hill and put a cardboard sign on top that read ‘Al Gore’s New Home.’ The extreme weather, Inhofe said by e-mail, reinforced doubts about scientists’ conclusion that global warming was ‘unequivocal’ and likely caused by human activity. Nonsense, responded Joseph Romm, a climate-change expert and former Energy Department official who writes about climate issues at the liberal Center for American Progress. ‘Ideologues in the Senate keep pushing the anti-scientific disinformation that big snowstorms are evidence against human-caused global warming,’ Romm wrote Wednesday.”


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