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Should You Go To College?

“As U.S. employment patterns evolve, a diploma is no longer a guarantee of a better job and higher pay,” says the L.A. Times. Vocational labor is gaining most as the economy recovers.
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“As U.S. employment patterns evolve, a diploma is no longer a guarantee of a better job and higher pay,” says the L.A. Times. Vocational labor is gaining most as the economy recovers. “The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that seven of the 10 employment sectors that will see the largest gains over the next decade won’t require much more than some on-the-job training. Meanwhile, well-paying white-collar jobs such as computer programming have become vulnerable to outsourcing to foreign countries. ‘People with bachelor’s degrees will increasingly get not very highly satisfactory jobs,’ said W. Norton Grubb, a professor at UC Berkeley’s School of Education. ‘In that sense, people are getting more schooling than jobs are available.'”

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