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Culture & Religion

Non-Existent ‘Ground Zero Mosque’

The Guardian’s Charlie Brooker blames the media for fearmongering over the ‘Ground Zero mosque’. “For one thing, it’s not at Ground Zero. Also, it isn’t a mosque.”
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The Guardian Charlie Brooker blames the media for fearmongering over the “Ground Zero mosque”. “For one thing, it’s not at Ground Zero. Also, it isn’t a mosque.” “They keep calling it the ‘Ground Zero mosque’, incidentally, because it’s a catchy title that paints a powerful image.” “When I heard about it – in passing, in a soundbite – I figured it was a U.S. example of the sort of inanely confrontational fantasy scheme Anjem Choudary might issue a press release about if he fancied winding up the tabloids for the 900th time this year. I was wrong.”

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