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How to Make the Hard Sell Count

Action Ambulance provide ambulance and transportation services to a variety of clients in an industry that avoids aggressive sales techniques, but its CEO wants to increase its customer base…
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What’s the Latest Development?

Action Ambulance provides ambulance and transportation services to a variety of clients, from hospitals to special education programs. It operates in an industry that works through personal relationships and is not used to aggressive sales tactics. So when Action’s CEO, Mike Woronka, wanted to increase his customer base, he faced an account management team that had no formal targets for opening new accounts nor any sales training. Woronka needed to know how to attract new clients without make bad investments along the way.

What’s the Big Idea?

Woronka had three options: train his accounts team in sales tactics, hire a salesperson or hire a sales person and a sales manager (since Woronka himself has no sales experience). After employing a temporary business consultant, Woronka was advised to hire a single salesperson with a modest base salary, filled out with commissions, bonuses and incentives. Alas, Woronka balked and opted to train his accounts team instead, against the advice of many business professionals. Next week, an update on his success will be published…

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Once you have an idea for a product or service that solves a particular problem in the marketplace, you need to calculate the value of that product to your customer, then assign a price.