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Our displays of techno-freedom are turning more and more of us into dependents: Apart from specific job categories, technological advances in products and services, along with greater outsourcing opportunities and […]
We’re told to have a positive attitude; that love conquers all; that anger is unhelpful and hate unneeded. Evangelists of optimism would drown us in their toothy smiles and keep […]
Last night was one of the most exciting Academy Awards ceremonies. Some of the excitement came from the incredible performances—Dame Shirley Bassey singing “Gold Finger,” Barbra Streisand popping up with […]
In a closely-followed case, two high school football stars in a small Ohio town were found guilty yesterday of raping an unconscious, intoxicated young woman at a party. The victim […]
In response to my recent post, “The Bright Side of Globalization,” my friend and colleague Jean Houston sent me an excerpt from her book Jump Time entitled, “Wok and Roll in […]
Thanks to the hilarious and provocative Rob Reiner film,When Harry Met Sally, there is one debate that still gets even the most reticent people taking a stand.  And, that, of […]
Friends, a new world is waiting for all of us. It is a world without want, where every need is satisfied by boundless resources. It is a world of friendship, […]
Nathan Harden writes with his characteristic techno-confidence that most higher education will be online soon enough.  That means that most non-elite private colleges and many mediocre public institutions will soon […]
In our last post, Meet The New “Power Woman,” we discussed the emergence of the Power Woman as a positive archetype in popular culture and we also pointed to the changing roles […]
For those of us who are committed to creating a better world how do we respond to the evil and heinous acts of our violent past? I just got back […]
Distinctions matter in debate. When we conflate and equate, for example, controversial groups of people that are not the same, it means we are not reacting accurately. For example, just […]
[Author’s Note: I’m reposting some old favorites while I’m away on vacation this week. This post was originally from November 2006.] One argument for theism that I have always found […]