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The mystery of why some people stay effortlessly thin while others struggle to keep weight off has come closer to being solved with a study isolating a gene that affects appetite.
“Why does a melancholy mood turn us into a better artist? The answer returns us to the intertwined nature of emotion and cognition.” The Frontal Cortex on creativity.
Greenwashing is like whitewashing. Whitewashing means covering up any black marks on something’s record to make it seem better than it really is. By the same token, greenwashing means making […]
Cancer cells love sugar. More specifically, fructose and glucose fuel pancreatic cancer cell growth. More reason to rein in your sugar consumption, says Conner Middelmann Whitney.
Scientists at MIT are working to synthesize bacteria found living in sea sponges on the ocean floor, which when in danger emit a chemical that has been shown to eliminate tumor cells.
“A team of MIT engineers has devised a way to deliver the necessary drugs by smuggling them on the backs of the cells sent in to fight the tumor.” The procedure reduces health risks.