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You searched for: cancer

Eating walnuts slows the growth of prostate cancer in mice and has other beneficial effects on the multiple genes related to the control of tumor growth and metabolism.
Stress hormones may indirectly promote the spread of cancer in the body by hurting the immune system’s anti-tumor mechanisms and encouraging new blood vessels to form.
How many times have you felt guilty when someone talks about the grand crises in the world: water, energy, food, poverty? You assiduously recycle your bottles, cans and paper, but have a nagging feeling you should be doing something more. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s hard to help when you don’t understand the exact nature of the problem. Now there’s a way: games. Or to be more accurate, serious games. Yes, it sounds like an oxymoron but serious games are becoming the most popular tool to engage citizens to collaborate and solve world challenges.
After losing his voice to cancer, new software is allowing Roger Ebert to “speak” through a computer by taking sounds of his own voice from his DVD commentary on ‘Casablanca’ and ‘Citizen Kane’.
Scientists have located a cell of origin for a common type of breast cancer marking a breakthrough which could greatly improve current understanding of the killer ailment.
Suspended animation, where an animal’s metabolism is slowed to seeming death, is no longer the stuff of Star Trek, says scientist Mark Roth who is pioneering research into it.
The director of the census bureau in charge of marine species, called the Global Marine Species Assessment, has issued a warning about the deterioration of earth’s coral reefs. It was […]