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A bomb blast that killed nine at a German bakery in Pune, India is threatening to derail peace talks with neighboring Pakistan though no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
This winter’s Olympic medals contain recycled material from junked electronic equipment like circuit boards and cathode ray tubes that would otherwise occupy a dump.
The notorious private security firm Blackwater, currently Xe, was charging the government to fly a Filipina prostitute into Afghanistan and pay her a monthly salary as “morale welfare recreation”.
The White House has formally invited the Congress to attend a televised legislative debate over healthcare reform scheduled for February 25th in the nation’s capital.
Out of work sugar cane farmers from the small county of Xalisco, Mexico have opened big black tar heroin operations accross the Midwest targeting white, middle class buyers.
The professor who killed three of her colleagues during a department meeting also shot and killed her 18-year-old brother 24 years ago in Massachusetts.
The rest simply cannot be controlled. Yet apropos of Valentine’s Day, it’s worth considering something The Daily Beast reported recently, a remark made by philanthropist (and Edwards supporter) Bunny Mellon regarding John […]
After a campaign to publicize an invasion of Marjah, Afghanistan during which most of the Taliban left, coalition forces have moved in and secured a majority of the city only hours after invading.
The luge track where a Georgian athlete died is being refitted with safer walls after the tragedy cast a somber mood over the opening ceremony.
Google Buzz is under fire for violating the privacy of its gmail clients by making their email contact list into a public friends list on the new social media platform.
Amy Bishop, an assistant professor of biology who has shot and killed three of her colleagues at the U of Alabama-Hunstville, was recently twice denied tenure.
Personal ads recently found from the 17th century are more about money and stability than love or romance; the uncovered ads are stored in the British Library.
Son of the world’s most wanted man, Omar Bin Laden says in a video interview that his father is more moderate than many jihadists and talks of his own affinity for western culture.
While Greece confronts budget woes, Austria is shoring up its banking sector against questionable loans given to former Soviet countries in Eastern Europe.
Americans have had enough. According to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll, two-thirds of Americans describe themselves as either “dissatisfied” or “angry” with the government. That’s the largest number since […]
OK, gents, The Art Love Doctor is IN! You’re pressed for time and short on ideas for buying that perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your lady. Somewhere in the recesses […]
Today marks the first day of our series on the future of mobility, with interviews with Beyond the Edge founder Richard Schaden; former mayor of Bogota Enrique Penalosa; and Terreform […]
Despite chubby infants having the oh-so-cute factor, many plump babies grow up to be obese teens and adults, putting them at risk of serious health problems.
Molecules cooled to less than a millionth degree Kelvin above absolute zero can still react chemically with one another despite the temperature causing near-negligible collision motion.