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Butterfly Fly Again!

When an unexpected, stressful event happens to us, do we ever stop to ask why? Or is it too late to ask? We fall into an abyss and ask questions later.
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Your universe crashes.The world you had constructed in your mind falls like a tower collapsing into the dust of fallen dreams.

Like thunder in the heart, everything seems like it’s capitulated – nothing makes sense in your life any more.

A crisis? When an unexpected stressful event happens to us, do we ever stop to ask why? Or is it too late to ask? We fall into an abyss and ask questions later.

What would it take to accept your life as it is, and create a feeling of peace about it? If we redefine what a problem is, and call it a challenge, or a game, or better, an opportunity or a blessing in disguise, surely that opens up many possibilities? From our attitudes, we create.

The stress response is a complex one. Yet to simplify and get down to its roots: Stress is a response triggered by an event which takes us right back to the fundamental emotions from the past – fear and anger. It is always past-focused. Usually the core issues that define these emotions are memories of rejection or abandonment, lack or loss of control, helplessness or hopelessness.

When your life seems to end, it is a great opportunity to start all over again at the beginning, to redefine exactly who you are, and what you will stand for, and who you are not.

Your life is your statement to the world representing your values, your beliefs, your dreams. Thus an ending is really a beginning.

Your life is yours to create, to enjoy or not enjoy, to fight or be at peace with.

When all else is lost, you face yourself directly in the mirror and from this vantage point of complete nakedness, clarity emerges and a new image starts to form of your future. From this point, you can create something real and meaningful, which will evolve into something beautiful in time.

When does “becoming” end? When you are “being” something. Sometimes “becoming” needs to come to end (perhaps an abrupt end) for you to realize that you no longer need to become something you are already are.

Whatever has appeared in your life is there for a reason. You can either ignore it or learn from it. No circumstance is accidental, though it may be unwanted. Choose what you will be. Choose what shall be. All you have is this moment, the only moment of choice. We cannot control everything.

Butterfly, butterfly remember your wings so perfectly poised to dance over the rainbow.

Life will always change. The only question is, will you change with it? Sometimes getting out of the way, is a better move than standing tall and strong.

When the river comes flooding down your driveway, will you survive by standing tall and strong, or by attaching yourself to a floating branch and trusting that the flow will take you somewhere safe?

Whatever you’re going through, there’s someone who is going through something worse. Whatever is happening, there is someone who went through worse, and didn’t just come out of it, thrived!

Keep your chin up and believe that everything can get better. You are never alone, although it may feel that way. Believe in yourself…

Nobody can take your music away from you.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock. 

David is the founder of Shambhala Retreats. A Naturopath, Intuitive Healer and Transformational Coach, David writes and educates people internationally at some of the world’s leading retreats and resorts. Born in South Africa, his travels have taken him to Australia, Middle East, Asia since 2002. A lover of wisdom and master healer specializing in holistic wellness, his retreats and wellness programs are focused on transformation. David is committed to inspiring and empowering people to live the lives of their dreams. David’s mission via Shambhala Retreats is to guide people to places of mystery and power to rediscover, balance and ground themselves.


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