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Calling on Business to Make Our Lives Better

Aron Cramer: Business is the creative force in society that can help us find ways to make our lives better. If business doesn’t take up the challenge, I think we all have quite a lot to lose. 
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The world has immense changes in front of us.  We have a growing population.  Natural resources are becoming more constrained and more expensive.  We have cities that are growing at a pace that we’ve never seen before. 

All of those things can be looked at as problems, but I actually think that those are immense opportunities and that business is the creative force in society that can help us find ways to make our lives better and to take advantage of all of these changes and make them work for us. 

We have a real choice and if business thinks about these changes as an opportunity that is an important part of their agenda, we’ll get there.  If business doesn’t take up the challenge, I think we all have quite a lot to lose. 

In Their Own Words is recorded in Big Think’s studio.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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