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Creativity is for Everyone

I think if you’re the driest accountant with the plastic pocket pen protector it’s in how you interact with the world. 
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I think if you’re the driest accountant with the plastic pocket pen protector it’s in how you interact with the world.  There is artistry in everything that we do and there is expression in everything that we do.

I used to play a lot of chess and competitive chess and study chess and as you get to the grandmasters and learn their styles when you start copying their games is astonishing.  It’s about yearning to transcend.  There is a surrender to a power greater than oneself as every artist or scientist or thinker talks about.

It’s like the ideas are like streaming through them and that can happen with anyone.  If you’re a janitor you can do it through your work or on the side or how you are with people, but this is the mission of SoulPancake is to show that everyone is an artist.  Everyone is creative in their own way and that that creativity is a great thing.  It’s a human thing and it needs to be nurtured and it can help us go down life’s path and help us to become deeper, richer, more satisfied human beings.  

60 Second Reads is recorded in Big Think’s studio.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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