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Dance of the Drones

Drones aren’t just the instruments of a tyrannical government that wants to kill its own citizens. Drones have an artistic side too.
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Drones aren’t just the instruments of a tyrannical government that wants to kill its own citizens. Drones have an artistic side too. Witness the video below, which is a collaboration between the dance company Pilobulus and MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. 

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Created by Robby Barnett, Molly Gawler, Renée Jaworski, and Itamar Kubovy in collaboration with the MIT Distributed Robotics Laboratory, directed by Prof. Daniela Rus and including current and former MIT PhD students William Selby, Brian Julian, Daniel Soltero, Andrew Marchese, and Carrick Detweiler (graduated, now assistant professor at University of Nebraska, Lincoln).

Music: Schubert Trio no.2 in E Flat, Op.100. ll Andante con moto

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