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Environmentalism is not a Luxury

A clean environment should not be a luxury.  It should be what people’s rights are as humans.
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It’s funny that people think about how celebrities deal with environment as a luxury.  Actually, the environment is the most simple thing that anybody could think of.  This is where we live. This is what we breathe.  But we have to push people around us to do the right thing.  

So I don’t think environment is snobbish or luxurious other than it is a marketing campaign to bring people to certain locations.  But with that said I think there is something to be said that we are destroying ourselves so that we think being in healthy environments, breathing good air is a luxury.  It should not be a luxury.  It should be what people’s rights are as humans.

60 Second Reads is recorded in Big Think’s studio.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock. 


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