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Facebook Profiles Reflect Job Performance

Facebook profiles assessed by a three-judge panel accurately reflected employee evaluations from each of the users’ employers. Should Facebook be used as a job-screening tool?
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What’s the Latest Development?

A new scientific study suggests that our Facebook profiles accurately reflect our job performance when it comes to qualities such as dependability and emotional stability. On a three-judge panel consisting of two college students and one professor, the profiles of 56 employed college students were rated according to personality characteristics. The study found that the panel’s comments accurately reflected employer assessments of the students in areas like conscientiousness, agreeability and intellectual curiosity.

What’s the Big Idea?

The results of the study suggest that Facebook could be used by employers as an effective tool to screen job applicants. On the other hand, it could open companies to potential law suits over discrimination based on gender, race and religion. Whatever happens, you need not fear those party photos, according to the study. The panel assessed party people as extroverted and friendly, says management professor Don Kluemper and leader of the study. Would you mind if your Facebook profile was seen by your prospective employer?

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