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Five Good Post-Thanksgiving Reads

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Some links for your post-Thanksgiving political edification:

At the Atlantic, Philip Mackowiac tells us that “Abraham Lincoln often spoke and dreamed about being assassinated” and asks whether Lincoln would have survived if he was shot in 2013.

Dylan Scott updates us on the how the Obamacare website is performing at Talking Points Memo.

John Gray reviews Malcolm Gladwell’s latest book in The New Republic and faults it for overweening “deference to academic authority.” There is “more of reality and wisdom in a Chinese fortune cookie,” Gray charges, than in David and Goliath.

Thomas Mann and Raffaela Wakeman at Brookings prepared a nifty interactive graphic explaining why Congress today is more polarized than ever.

And Sarah Kliff at the Washington Post has a graph showing the wall of religious opposition to the birth-control mandate in the Affordable Care Act, a question we covered a few days ago.


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