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Frying an Egg, Death Valley Style

It is so hot in Death Valley that you can fry an egg outside using nothing but the sun and a skillet. 
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Death Valley recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of the hottest day ever recorded. On July 10th, 1913 the weather observer at Greenland Ranch in Death Valley, California recorded a high temperature of 134°F (56.7°C). 

While it’s not quite that hot this summer, Death Valley is, nonetheless, the hottest place on Earth, as its Park Service boasts. It is so hot, in fact, that you can fry an egg outside using nothing but the sun and a skillet. That is what one park staffer did in the video below, which went viral and has inspired countless visitors to imitate it.

The problem, as the Death Valley National Park’s Facebook page notes, is that you need to “use a pan or tin foil and properly dispose of the contents.” Apparently visitors have been making quite a mess by attempting to fry eggs on the ground. 

To see the proper way to fry an egg in the hottest place on Earth, watch here:

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