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Go Ahead, You Have Permission to Cheat.

It’s your puzzle.  Do it any way you like.
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I have some friends at Google who told me years ago when they were doing studies of what people are Googling, most of the things were obvious.  It was Lady Gaga and some name in the news. But sometimes there would just be these things that came from out of the blue, like the capital of Angola.  They wondered why would people suddenly be searching for this and they traced it back.  It was the New York Times crossword, especially the Friday, Saturday and Sunday puzzles which are the most challenging.

I have no problem with that.  It’s your puzzle.  If you’re stuck and you look up an answer and that will get you off and running on the puzzle again, you can then finish it on your own.  It’s your puzzle.  Do it any way you like.

In Their Own Words is recorded in Big Think’s studio.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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