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How Can Robots Help Improve Life on Earth? Join the Hangout @2pm EDT

Even the White House is getting involved in YouTube’s “Geek Week,” hosting a special We the Geeks: Robots Hangout today at 2:00 pm EDT for “a conversation about the state of American robotics and the possibilities for robots to improve life on Earth.”
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Even the White House is getting involved in YouTube’s “Geek Week,” hosting a special We the Geeks: Robots Hangout today at 2:00 pm EDT for “a conversation about the state of American robotics and the possibilities for robots to improve life on Earth.”

The hangout will feature the following experts:

  • Rodney Brooks, President, Rethink Robotics, with Humanoid Robot, Baxter
  • Daniela Rus, Director of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT
  • Matthew Mason, Director, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Robin Murphy, Director of the Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue, Texas A&M University
  • Allison Okamura, Principal Investigator, Collaborative Haptics and Robotics in Medicine Lab, Stanford University
  • To submit your questions, use #WeTheGeeks and join the hangout here

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