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How to Find More Meaningful Work

A new start-up is offering a fast track to satisfying employment by connecting applicants with jobs that offer more emotional fulfillment than a big pay check, though that doesn’t hurt.
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What’s the Latest Development?

The start-up ReWork is the first company that places job applicants directly with ‘disruptive, world-changing organizations’, including all manner of non-profits and triple-bottom-line businesses. When a select group of companies needs new employees, they send their listings to ReWork before opening the positions to the public. Having just opened in February, ReWork is currently helping 130 candidates across the country find a job that will fulfill their sense of self rather than just their bank account. Co-founder Nathaniel Koloc says most applicants feel something is missing in their current line of work. 

What’s the Big Idea?

Over the last five years, young Americans have become increasingly disillusioned with employment in a financial industry that is now widely seen to have less-than-noble motives when it comes to the well being of society—and even their clients. “Jobseekers today want a position that makes them feel good inside.” Besides ReWork, sites like Idealist, Greenbiz and Green Job Search list careers for those seeking more meaningful employment. Tomorrow’s successful companies must balance income, viability, meaning, and value of work.

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