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Is Google Glass the End of Privacy?

“We recently had to ask a rude customer to leave because of their insistence on wearing and operating Google Glasses inside the restaurant.”
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“We recently had to ask a rude customer to leave because of their insistence on wearing and operating Google Glasses inside the restaurant.”

The Seattle restaurant Lost Lake Cafe posted this message on its Facebook page in response to a highly publicized incident involving a Google Glass-wearing diner named Nick Starr. While this incident may seem silly, we are likely to see this sort of thing happen more often. After all, this incident involves big blurry issues such as how we integrate new technologies into public and private life. 

With your Google Glasses always on, sending the video streams to Google of your life and those of strangers and “friends” alike, will the very notion of privacy have been finally banished from our lives?

Jonathan Taplin asked this question in a blog post earlier this year, and then provided his own answer in an interview with Big Think, which you can watch below. Taplin, who is the director of the Annenberg Innovation Lab at USC, tells us that one of his graduate students is working on “a simultaneous subtitled translation application for movies.” This app would allow a Spanish-speaking person to watch an English language movie and so forth. It could also aid people with hearing impairments. Who wouldn’t appreciate an enhancement like that?

On the other hand, let’s say someone is wearing Google Glass at a dinner party or at a restaurant like Lost Lake Cafe. We tend to view this application of technology as intrusive. 

“Am I going to regret what I’m saying?” Taplin asks. 

Watch the video here:

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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