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Jealousy and Trolls: A Follow-Up, and an Invitation to Take a Jealousy Survey

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Mea culpa if, out of irritation, I joined Troll-land, the last place on earth I want to be, when I wrote on Samantha Brick’s now-infamous “don’t hate be because I’m beautiful” article last week.

By way of background and at the risk of beating an exceedingly dead horse: I disagreed, and still do, with Samantha’s cynical assumptions that she knows what a “beautiful” woman is—and, furthermore, that she knows she is one, and, furthermore, that she knows that other women treat her badly, or ignore her, because of her beauty.

Her views on female jealousy and competition seemed mean-spirited to me, and more suitable to Mad Men than contemporary times.

Or,…are they?   As penance for letting my Inner Troll off its leash, I’m going to further explore the matter of female on female jealousy.

I’ve created an information-gathering, anonymous online survey about female-on-female, Platonic jealousy.

Is Samantha on to something?  Does jealousy among women fester under the surface of friendships and work relationships,? Has envy secretly caused you to treat a woman differently—or do you suspect that you have been treated differently because a woman was jealous of your beauty, brilliance, stunning figure, popularity, career successes, life  achievements, sex life, family life, wealth, your piety, altruism, and unimpeachable moral character, or any other factors?

With this anonymous survey, you can answer and confess with total honesty. You won’t get flamed for speaking out. I’ll write a column on what the survey reveals in a few weeks.

Just click here to get started.

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