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Living the “Impossible” Dream

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I write this from Yangshuo, China where I am currently based studying Tai Chi and Internal Kungfu. My next journey is to the Wudangshan mountains in Hubei province. This is something I dreamed of before.

So here I am achieving my dreams, and studying in China, a whole different world and experience for me.

If I followed others solely, then I would be living their lives, and not my own. Authenticity means living your own unique brand.

Your brand is yours alone. Follow others the way you’ve been taught, and you’ll be forever escaping who you are.

There is no better time than now, to become better, to become the greatest version imaginable of yourself. You are the one you have been looking for outside of yourself (externally)!

Now is the time to transcend restriction, old beliefs and ideas about yourself that no longer work for you. Now is the time to move beyond limitation into the “impossible” realm of possibility. Nobody has achieved great things by thinking small about themselves. They’ve challenged the status quo, pushed beyond boundary and often shocked society with their bold and unlimited beliefs.

Art Berg became a quadriplegic at age 21 when involved in a car accident that broke his neck, en route to see his fiancée. Specialist doctors told Berg he would never walk, hold a job, or have kids. Berg proved them wrong by daring to reach for the stars, and nearly getting there. Art Berg dreamed way beyond the limitation of gravity –“Dreams are born in the heart and in the mind, and only there can they ever die.”

He went on to marry, have kids, travel the world as a one of the most successful speakers in the world (inducted in the Speaker Hall of Fame), write 3 bestselling books, become a world-class wheelchair athlete (including excelling at full-contact wheelchair rugby) and set a world-record time in an ultra marathon (325 miles).

If Berg could defy gravity paralyzed, imagine what you could do with your life?

“The impossible just takes a little longer.” – Art Berg

At age 13, Jordan Romero has surmounted the highest mountains on six of the world’s seven continents, including Mt Kilimanjaro at age 10!

Australia welcomed home 16-year-old Jessica Watson who became the youngest person to sail solo around the world (unassisted). A phenomenal achievement of bravery, independence and single-mindedness! Who could imagine choosing to experience such isolation? Imagine achieving such a feat at only 16! A world of possibility opens up when you break new ground in bravery, and embrace a larger perspective of your life.

I salute those adventurers who have defied belief, imagined the impossible, and achieved their dreams.

I wonder what you dream of, and what you could achieve if you dared to dream of the impossible…?

Dreams are there to inspire and motivate us to do more, to do better, to make our lives our own tapestry, our own creation. What dreams could you dream up next to make your life better, greater? What dreams of others inspire you? What dreams have you previously thought were unobtainable or impossible?

Share your dreams with me below…


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