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Did You Know Today is Manhattanhenge?

Manhattanhedge is a two-day event when the setting Sun aligns precisely with the Manhattan street grid. 
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It was a miserable rainy day in New York City yesterday, spoiling a day that the astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson has popularized as “Manhattanhedge,” which Tyson describes as the day “when the setting Sun aligns precisely with the Manhattan street grid, creating a radiant glow of light across Manhattan’s brick and steel canyons, simultaneously illuminating both the north and south sides of every cross street of the borough’s grid.”

The good news is that this alignment lasts two days, so we have another shot tonight at 8:15pm. While you can certainly see Manhattanhedge from New Jersey, Tyson recommends cross streets in Manhattan including 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd, and 57th streets.

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