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Muhammad Ali Boxing on Mars (Video)

Muhammad Ali specualtes about traveling to Mars to fight a champion boxing match in 1966.
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The PBS series Blank on Blank features lost interviews with luminaries ranging from Louis Armstrong to this gem below, which features then-heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali speculating about traveling to Mars to fight a champion boxing match in 1966.

“We’d estimate our time of getting there in about 10 years,” says Ali. “I’ll be 10 years older, but I’ll still be in good shape. I expect the fight to go about 12 seconds.”

How did this interview come about? Michael Aisner hosted a high school radio show, in which he randomly called celebrities inviting them to do interviews, and scored big time with Ali. 

Watch here:


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I find it fascinating that based on what we now know, we can’t yet say that it’s impossible to travel in time.