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Success Today Requires Much More Than Rote Knowledge

Rote knowledge is worth less and less than it was before. And so we need an education system that challenges students at all levels, particularly as they get a little older to think about problem solving skills, to be able to be broader in their base of education.
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Rote knowledge is worth less and less than it was before. And so we need an education system that challenges students at all levels, particularly as they get a little older to think about problem solving skills, to be able to be broader in their base of education.

They need to be able to work in groups, to take on very difficult problems and solve them and not just do it individually. They need to develop a set of business judgment skills more than accumulate a huge amount of knowledge and information as the core value that they’re going to bring when they eventually enter the workforce.  

60 Second Reads is recorded in Big Think’s studio.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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