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Support African Americans for Humanism

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As NPR recently reported, there’s a high price to pay for being a black atheist in America. African Americans who come out of the closet as nonreligious may be cut off by their own families, may be labeled a “race traitor” or an “apostate”, or accused of lacking morals or having “holes in their souls” – this despite the fact that atheism, humanism and freethought have a strongand livelytradition within the African-American community.

That’s why I was glad to hear about African Americans for Humanism, which is running an ad campaign currently on display in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Dallas-Fort Worth and Durham, with the dual aim of reinvigorating this proud history and offering a safe harbor where black nonbelievers can speak out and be themselves.

The initial cost of the campaign is being underwritten by the Center for Inquiry and the Stiefel Freethought Foundation, but if you’d like to see it continue longer, you can make a donation. Whatever your skin color, this is a cause worth supporting!

Image credit: AAH

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