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Support the Foundation Beyond Belief’s Year-End Drive!

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When this life is all you have, you’re naturally motivated to care more about it. That’s why I’ve often encouraged readers to support the Foundation Beyond Belief, an excellent secular charity, and this holiday season I’d like to renew that call.

If you don’t already know how the FBB operates: Each quarter, they choose a slate of charities – one each in the areas of animal protection, children, education, the environment, health, human rights, peace and poverty – with a track record of effectiveness, low overhead, and a secular mission. (They also choose one religious charity for those who want to support interfaith work.) FBB members pledge a set monthly donation, which they can split up among the featured charities however they wish. They’ve also recently launched separate programs for community service volunteering and crisis response, currently targeting the drought and famine in the Horn of Africa.

Unlike many charities, the FBB doesn’t skim off a percentage of what its members give for itself. 100% of the money given by donors goes to the designed charities. But this laudable policy means that they have to do a separate year-end fund-raising drive to cover their own administrative expenses. Their goal is to raise $15,000 by December 31, and they’ve made a good start but still have a long way to go. If you’d like to support the FBB’s mission, please consider making a donation. Better yet, why not join as a full member today? Help prove that atheists and humanists want to make this world a better place!

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