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Upcoming Speaking and Travel Schedule

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For those who are interested, here’s my schedule for the next few months. I’ve got a few SSA speaking events, a conference or two, and one big announcement!

• On February 24, I’ll be speaking at the University of North Dakota, courtesy of FUND, the Freethinkers of the University of North Dakota, as part of the school’s “Seven Dimensions of Wellness” speaker series. Fitting the occasion, I plan to speak on “The Goodness of Godlessness”. Should be fun!

• Of course, I’m going to be attending the Reason Rally in Washington, D.C. on March 24. I’m not speaking there, but there will definitely be meetups, pub nights, and the like. If you’re planning to attend and are interested in attending such a meetup, leave a comment or send me an e-mail.

• On Easter weekend, I’ll be at the University of Central Arkansas, courtesy of the University of Central Arkansas Secular Student Alliance. This one is still a bit tentative – I’ll post more details as they become available.

• The weekend of June 7-10, I’m attending Netroots Nation in Providence, Rhode Island – again, as a visitor rather than a speaker, but I’m sure there will be opportunities for meeting up.

• And here’s the big one:

I’m ridiculously pleased to announce that I’ll be speaking at the annual conference of the Secular Student Alliance, which will be in Columbus, Ohio the weekend of July 6. I’ll be speaking on “How to Move Mountains” – what we can learn about how to do atheist activism from past movements that faced entrenched religious opposition and won. Considering some of the other awesome people on the speakers’ lineup, I’m honored to be there! (I do, however, hope I don’t have to take the stage right after Greta Christina…)

If you’re in the area, feel free to stop by any of these! And if you’d like to invite me to speak to your group, please see my SSA page or CFI page (or just get in touch with me directly). Aside from reimbursement for travel and lodging, I don’t charge any honorarium.

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A weekly newsletter featuring the biggest ideas from the smartest people

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