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We Need to Create a Skynet that Shares Our Goals

The main thing that we should be focusing on is how to create goals for AI that are compatible with what we value.
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If you think about gorillas, it seems that the only way that gorillas can save their species is to conspire and gang up against humans. They’re not going to do that. They are not able to do that.

If you think about the other side of this coin — humans have not conspired against gorillas.  We just don’t care about them enough. So that’s how I see the situation in terms of AI.  If you create an AI that does not care about us and is more powerful in bringing about the future that it cares about, we’re going to lose.

So the main thing that we should be focusing on is how to create goals for AI that are compatible with what we value.

60 Second Reads is recorded in Big Think’s studio. 

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