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What is a Drone Corporation?

There are a growing number of corporations that are governed by “absentee owners,” meaning there is “no oversight and no one making sure that corporations and management act sanely and responsibly.”
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In a previous post on Big Think, Robert Monks, author of Citizens DisUnited: Passive Investors, Drone CEOs and the Capture of the American Dream, argued that a growing number of corporations are governed by “absentee owners,” meaning there is “no oversight and no one making sure that corporations and management act sanely and responsibly.”

Monks calls these ownerless entities corporate drones: 

They are analogous to the military vehicles that have enormous power and capacity for good and ill. They insulate operators from risk while casting vast externalities and costs onto society. 

So, Monks asks, who has enough clout and enough status to lead the charge and change this? 

To answer that question, Monks has created the slideshow below, in which you can follow his argument in a simplified format.

Check it out here:

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