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Where I Stand on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

I grew up in Europe during [World War II] and so I have a European attitude on the concept of occupation.
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The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a tragic conflict in the sense that there is not a solution that deals with the aspiration of both people.  I belong in the context of Israeli politics.  I have a particular point of view I think, so I have always thought that the settlements are a disaster and so on.  

I grew up in Europe during [World War II] and so I have a European attitude on the concept of occupation.  Many people don’t understand why Israel is so much more popular in the United States than in Europe and I don’t think the issue is primarily anti-Semitism.  The issue is primarily that the word occupation resonates very much in Europe and not in the United States. Having grown up during the war in Europe I have that sensitivity.

60 Second Reads is recorded in Big Think’s studio.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock. 

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