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Will Artists be able to Make a Living in the Future?

For the first time in world history, more than half the world will be in the middle class. There will be lots of discretionary income for people to buy entertainment that stimulates the brain.   
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Do I feel optimistic about the future of the media and entertainment business?  I would answer that I do because I do believe that this notion – that for the first time in world history, more than half the world will be in the middle class – says that there will be lots of discretionary income for people to buy entertainment and enjoy themselves.  And that cannot help but be a good thing for artists, which is the ultimate thing.

Can artists earn a living?  That’s hopefully what makes for new cool stuff, or makes new exciting entertainment that stimulates your brain.  And hopefully as long as there is an ecosystem that allows that to happen then good stuff will happen.

In Their Own Words is recorded in Big Think’s studio.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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