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Thom Yorke Supports the Occupy Movement

Weeks after Occupy Wall Street organizers apologized for promoting a Radiohead concert that was never to be, Thom York and Massive Attack’s 3D gave a small concert in London.
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What’s the Latest Development?

In a disused bank building in London, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke and Massive Attack’s Robert del Naja have given a DJ set in support of the Occupy London protestors. Afterwards, the two gave a rare video interview on the building’s roof, which has become known as the movement’s Idea Bank. The two spoke on the poisonous marriage of the political system to the financial system, both in the U.K. and U.S., where politicians have come to depend on unrealistic profits to promote the economy as well as their careers.

What’s the Big Idea?

Del Naja praised the civility of the Occupy Movement, lamenting more ‘romantic’ methods such as the riots that occurred in his native Bristol in the 1980s and again last summer when arson and looting shook England. Yorke supports the protestors insistence on holding bankers accountable for the collapse of the world’s financial system, despite their enshrinement in ‘cathedrals of steel and glass’. He went on to say that one doesn’t need to be an anarchist or want to ‘smash the state’ to have sympathy with the protestors.

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