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Guest Thinkers

4 Guys Talking – Episode 1

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Thursday was the inaugural episode of 4 Guys Talking, a new podcast series from CASTLE. The podcast consists of me, Jon Becker, David Quinn, and Jayson Richardson talking about a variety of education (K-12 and higher ed), technology, and/or leadership issues. We’re all Educational Leadership professors who care about things like digital technologies, 21st century skills, and the like. Unfortunately, we’re an extremely small minority in academia…

Thursday’s conversation ranged widely. Among other things, we discussed whether undergraduates are truly the ‘digital natives’ that many say they are, universities’ implementation of open source course management systems, how to facilitate K-12 teachers’ buy-in toward technological initiatives, and who’s to blame for the bad leadership that exists in many schools (a topic we’ll likely return to in our next episode).

You can download the podcast or listen to a Web-streamed version here:

  • We do the podcast live on BlogTalkRadio, which essentially allows you to host (for free) an Internet version of live talk radio, so you can call in and participate if you wish. I think we can handle two or three callers at once besides the four of us (thanks to Jared and Lance who joined us for Episode 1!). Future dates/times are as follows (all times Central):
    • March 9, 2pm to 3pm
    • April 1, 12pm to 1pm 
    • April 20, 2pm to 3pm 
    • May 11, 9am to 10am 
    • May 26, 1pm to 2pm 
    • FYI, I’m reworking CASTLE Conversations, the old CASTLE podcast channel. It will include all previous and podcasts (including 4 Guys Talking) so you’ll be able to subscribe via RSS or iTunes. I’ll post about it when it’s ready.

      Happy listening!


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