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6-word motto contest: And the winner is…

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading the submissions for mynrecent contest. As you may recall, I asked readers, “What would be a goodnsix-word motto for your nation’s schools?”


Here are my favorites. All of these were picked solely by me and all had tondo with the USA. Your list might be different!


6. This one gets at the lack of leadership during an era of turbulence. Ofncourse that’s one of the main themes of my work and this blog.



USA: Rudderless in the sea of change (Dave)


5. Although it’s a phrase that’s been used by others, I thought this was annice choice for this contest. It captures much of the essential tension betweennthe current system and the constructivist leanings of many edubloggers.



USA: Dewey … or don’t we?
(Scott,nI know you’re jonesing for a CASTLE mug. Maybe next time!)


4. This one just made me laugh (’cause, given its essential truth, otherwisenI’d have to cry)! All three of this contributor’s entries were prettynclever…



USA: Standardization + medication = American education (Ahniwa)


3. David Warlick and othersnhave aptly noted that personal computers are the pencil and paper of ourntime. That’s why this one strikes home so deftly.



USA: Number two pencil is main tool (Michelle)


2. The ‘faddism’ that occurs in American education is legendary. Veterannteachers roll their eyes at the latest thing that comes along, saying “This toonshall pass.”

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USA: Another solution to a previous solution (drollord)


1. With advance apologies to Larrynand Alice,nwho rightfully noted a concern that most of the entries were negative, mynfavorite was this one. Our schools have, indeed, been extremely positivencontributors to American society and I am a big proponent of schools andneducators. That said, like others, I still think that there is a LOT of wastednpotential and that often students succeed despite, not because of, their K-12neducational experiences. See, for example, the classroom observation studiesnprofiled in John Goodlad’s AnPlace Called School (whole book), Mike Schmoker’s ResultsnNow (p. 18), or in the March 30, 2007 articlenby Robert Pianta in Science.nSo with due respect to all of the educators who are working extremely hard, mynpersonal selection for best 6–word motto is…



USA: Underwhelming kids on a daily basis (Diana)
(note:nthis could apply to American public policy too, not justnschools)


Diana, I don’t know who you are, but if you contact me, I’ll mail you a CASTLE mug. Paul,nplease contact me also. I’mngoing to award you a bonus mug because I like hownyou involved your middle schoolers. Thanks, everyone, fornparticipating!



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