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It’s not Shakespearean. It’s not eloquent. It may not even be meaningful as anything other than today’s shallow distraction. Yet Gibson’s hate-laced phone porn has captured our attention. Is it […]
Robert Reich warns of “coming trade wars” in a recent blog, also carried by Big Think. It is an important contribution in as far as it recognises that a debate […]
“We’re in the grip of a cultural panic and we have no idea whether we’re coming or going,” says The Guardian’s Books Blog. The rapidity of current cultural change can be baffling.
Twin blasts ripped through the Ugandan capital of Kampala Sunday while the rest of the world watched Spain claim the World Cup title. A group called al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility […]
Al Jazeera reports on the highly disproportionate allocation of public funds in Jerusalem. Palestinian neighborhoods suffer from lack of infrastructure while Israeli ones do not.
“Money doesn’t buy happiness all on its own purchasing power, but rather happiness comes indirectly from the higher status money provides.” Relative income is what counts, says new research.
A new Midwest coal plant marketed as a source for cheap, clean energy is expected to raise utility bills and be the largest source of carbon dioxide in a quarter century, says The Chicago Tribune.