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Articles: Gregory D. Johnsen

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A fairly but not fully comprehensive list of articles I have written.

Don’t Assassinate the Dangerous Cleric al-Awlaki
, Newsweek (April 13, 2010)

Yemen’s Come Power Struggle, The National (March 18, 2010)

AQAP in Yemen and the Christmas Day Terrorist Attack, CTC Sentinel – PDF link to Special Issue on Yemen. January 2010.

Welcome to Qaedastan
, Foreign Policy (Print edition) January/February 2010.

The Sixth War, The National: on the roots of the Huthi conflict
(November 12, 2009)

Zooming in on the Yemen Conflict, Common Ground News Service
(October 13, 2009) – reprinted in various news outlets

The Expansion Strategy of al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula, CTC Sentinel
(Septemeber 2009)

, The National: on the attempted assassination of Muhammad bin Nayif
(September 3, 2009)

Waning Vigilance: al-Qaeda’s Resurgence in Yemen, Washington Institute for Near East Policy (July 14, 2009)

A New and Terrifying Level of Violence, The Independent: on the Kidnappings in Yemen.
(June 16, 2009)

How Not to Solve Guantanamo, The American Interest
(July-August 2009) pgs. 117-120.

The Long Goodbye: Closing Time at Guantanamo Bay, Jane’s Intelligence Review,
With Andrew Nash (March 12, 2009) Restricted access

The Well Runs Dry, Foreign Policy
With Christopher Boucek (February 2009)

Yemen: Electoral Game of Chicken, Arab Reform Bulletin
(February 2009)

Al-Qaeda’s Grip On Yemen, Jane’s Terrorism and Security Monitor
(January 6, 2009)

The Dilemma of the Yemeni Detainees at Guantanamo Bay, CTC Sentinel
With Christopher Boucek, (November 2008)

Assessing the Strength of al-Qa’ida in Yemen, CTC Sentinel
(September 2008)

Yemen’s Two al-Qaedas, Jane’s Terrorism and Security Monitor
(August 21, 2008) Restricted Access

Salih and the Yemeni Succession, Jane’s Intelligence Digest
(August 29, 2008) Restricted Access

Soldier’s Brigade of Yemen Continues Attacks, Jamestown
(June 3, 2008.

Al-Qa’ida in Yemen’s 2008 Campaign, CTC Sentinel
(April 2008)

Al-Qaeda in Yemen Reorganizes under Nasir al-Wahayshi, Jamestown
(March 11, 2008)

Attacks on Oil Industry are First Priority for al-Qaeda in Yemen, Jamestown
(February 5, 2008)

Securing Yemen’s Cooperation in the Second Phase of the War on al-Qa’ida
, CTC Sentinel
(December 2007)

Al-Qaeda’s Generational Split, The Boston Globe
(November 9, 2007)

Tracking Yemen’s 23 Escaped Jihadi Operatives – Part II, Jamestown
(October 11, 2007)

Tracking Yemen’s 23 Escaped Jihadi Operatives – Part I, Jamestown
(September 27, 2007)

Yemen Faces Second Generation of Islamist Militants, Jamestown
(August 14, 2007)

Yemen Attacks Reveals Struggles Among al-Qaeda Ranks, Jamestown
With Brian O’Neill (July 10, 2007)

Is al-Qaeda in Yemen Regrouping?, Jamestown
(May 22, 2007)

Yemen Accuses Iran of Meddling in its Internal Affairs, Jamestown
(February 20, 2007)

Yemen: Empty Reforms Slow bid to Join GCC, Arab Reform Bulletin
(February 2007)

Yemen’s al-Iman University: A Pipeline for Fundamentalists?, Jamestown
(November 16, 2006)

Well Gone Dry: A Letter from Sana’a, The American Interest
(November/December, 2006) pgs. 131-139

The Election Yemen was Supposed to Have, Middle East Report Online,
(October 3, 2006)

The Resiliency of Yemen’s Aden-Abyan Islamic Army, Jamestown
(July 13, 2006)

Yemen: Trying to Restore Reformist Credentials, Arab Reform Bulletin
(May 2006)

Qat in Yemen, Verbatim Quarterly
(Spring 2006)

Profile of Sheikh Abd al-Majid al-Zindani, Jamestown
(April 6, 2006.

Yemen’s Passive Role in the War on Terrorism, Jamestown
(Feb. 23, 2006)

Salih’s Road to Reelection, Middle East Report Online
(January 13, 2006)

Arabs glued to TV News – but not US-sponsored al-Hurra,” Christian Science Monitor
(March 30, 2004)

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