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Guest Thinkers

Big Move #1: Welcome to Big Think!

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A weekly collection of thought-provoking articles on tech, innovation, and long-term investing from Nightview Capital’s Eric Markowitz.

Hi everyone,

If you type into your browser, you’ll see that Dangerously Irrelevant has a new home! I’m now hosted at BigThink, which is dedicated to deep thinking on important issues. If you’re not familiar with BigThink, I encourage you to check out the site a bit. It has video interviews with Nobel Prize winners, articles and other resources from global experts, special series on various issues, a number of different topical blogs, and lots of other cool stuff.

I’m delighted to be BigThink’s new (and only) education blogger. When we were discussing the potential move, I told the BigThink folks that sometimes I wasn’t very “deep” or “challenging” and that I was a bit worried that I wouldn’t be “brainy” often enough to justify their choice. They said that they liked what I’d been doing and didn’t want me to change a thing. They also promised me that I wouldn’t lose any of my current subscribers and would get exposure to a whole new audience. That sounded okay with me, so we’re off on a new adventure!

For those of you who are regular readers, thanks for sticking with me. You shouldn’t see any major changes in your RSS reader or e-mail subscription (if you do, let me know ASAP!). You may have to set up new credentials to leave blog comments since it’s a new web site (sorry). For those of you who are longtime readers of BigThink but new to my blog, we’ll see if we can get you up to speed as quickly as possible.

As always, I greatly appreciate your readership. All my best.


P.S. I have a second big move to announce very soon. Stay tuned!

Image credit:Jumping off Mt. Evans


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