Carl Sagan’s Legacy: Scientists as Consultants in Hollywood, Discussion and Film Screening at American University, Washington D.C.

Readers in the Washington, DC area may be interested in this free event coming up at American University this week Thurs. Oct. 27 and sponsored by the School of Communication. A video of the discussion will also be available in the weeks following the event.
Scientists as Consultants in Hollywood:
Book Discussion with David Kirby and Screening of Carl Sagan’s Contact
Wechsler Theater, 3rd Floor of Mary Graydon Hall
Join SOC Professor Matthew Nisbet and University of Manchester (UK) scholar David Kirby as they discuss the role of scientists as Hollywood consultants on blockbuster movies ranging from Jurassic Park to a Beautiful Mind. Kirby, author of the new book Lab Coats in Hollywood: Science, Scientists and Cinema, will show clips and explain how consulting scientists on films not only shape cultural understanding but also the direction of scientific research.
Following the hour-long discussion with Kirby there will be a screening of Carl Sagan’s Contact starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey. Kirby will also be signing copies of his book.
See Also:
Previous Science in Society Film and Lecture Series Events
LA Weekly Interview with Author David Kirby
National Academies Science & Entertainment Exchange